Kinetic Resolution of Unnatural and Rarely Occurring Amino Acids: Enantioselective Hydrolysis of l/-Acyl Amino Acids Cataly zed by Acylase Ir


  • H. Keith Chenault

Acylase I (aminoacylase; N-acylamino-acid amidohydrolase, EC, from porcine kidney and the fungus Aspergi l lus) is a broadly appl icable nzymatic atalyst for the kinetic resolut ion of unnatural and rarely occurring a-amino acids. I ts enantioselectivi ty for the hydrolysis of N-acyl L-a-amino acids is nearly absolute, yet i t accepts ubstrates having a wide range of structure and functional i ty. This paper reports the init ial rates of enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of over 50 N-acyl amino acids and analogues, the stabi l i t ies of the enzymes in aqueous and aqueous/organic solut ions, and the effects of dif ferent acyl groups and metal ions on the rates of enzymatic hydrolysis. E,leven a-amino and a-methyl a-amino acids were resolved on a 2-29-9 scale. Crude Land o-amino acid products had general ly ' >90% ee. The uti l i ty of resolved amino acids as chiral synthons was i l lustrated by the preparation of (R)and (S)-l-butene oxide and the diastereoselective (cis:trans, 7-8:1 ) iodolactonization of three 2-amino-4-alkenoic a id derivatives. Acylase I (aminoacylase; N-acylamino-acid amidohydrolase, EC catalyzes the enantioselective hydrolysis of N-acyl L-amino acids (eq 1).+7 Acylase I enzymes isolated from porcine ?o'" fl acyrase | ?oo:o'* fl .5rA*, *,An,*"* + ,/-"A*, (1) kidney f i*ol and the fungus ,trp,rrgit tu, ,o ioo, are commercial ly avai lable, inexpensive, stable in solut ion, and high in specific activity. Here we describe the use of these enzymes as catalysts for the kinetic resolution of a-amino acids. We report the range of substrates accepted by each enzyme, factors influencing the activi t ies and stabi l i t ies of the enzymes, and methods for the preparative-scale resolution of representative compounds. 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تاریخ انتشار 2010